what if my job requires me to work on the sabbath

Photo Courtesy: Anton Dmitriev/Unsplash

Fact: College isn't for everyone. Despite what society (and loftier school guidance counselors) tell you, information technology's still possible to succeed without a degree. If you're willing to start at the bottom and piece of work your way up, you lot tin can ultimately reach a secure, high-paying career — without the student loan debt.

All it takes is a picayune elbow grease and a willingness to acquire. Audio good? Check out these acme paying jobs, all requiring nothing more than on-the-job training or a document programme.


The list of expert reasons for becoming a firefighter is long. If you have a desire to serve others, the piece of work is physically demanding and frequently unsafe, merely saving lives and helping people in need tin can exist extremely satisfying. It's likewise keen for people who want to steer clear of the 9-to-v life in favor of a flexible schedule.

Photo Courtesy: David Marker/Pixabay

What kind of preparation goes into existence a firefighter? Information technology's a serious job, so it must require some serious schooling, right? A firefighter certification from a vocational school or higher is required — and isn't easy — but the process can be completed in as little as six months.

Commercial Pilot

If you've ever taken an aeriform tour of your favorite city, you take a commercial pilot to thank. They fly and navigate airplanes, helicopters and jets and provide charter flights, rescue operations, photography and other services to individual companies. Duties, such as communicating with air traffic controllers, are shared with the flight crew.

Photo Courtesy: Bilal EL-Daou /Pixabay

Although many companies do prefer to hire candidates who have a bachelor'due south degree for this high-pressure office, it's not mandatory from a legal perspective. The minimum education requirement to receive a commercial pilot's license is just two years of higher. Tip: Endeavor to take some courses like physics and math!

Real Estate Banker

Like a existent estate agent, a real estate broker tin can assistance clients buy, sell and rent properties. The departure? A broker has passed a special exam and received a license that allows them to own a real manor firm and rent other agents to piece of work for them.

Photo Courtesy: Gerd Altmann/Pixabay

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment in both roles should proceed to grow well into the future. Although you lot demand a license to work as a broker or an amanuensis — each state has its ain licensing requirements — coursework and exams can frequently exist completed in as trivial as 2 months online.

Personal Trainer

If you love health and fettle and want to share that passion with others, a career equally a personal trainer might be the right pick for you. Helping people achieve their wellness goals can be incredibly rewarding — and need for trainers is expected to grow.

Photograph Courtesy: Wayne Howard/Pixabay

Only how do yous train to be a trainer? Most gyms and fitness centers require their training staff to hold a professional certification obtained from an accredited outlet as well equally CPR certification. Ongoing continuing teaching is also required to stay on top of the latest trends and practices in the field.

Professional person Chef

Are your friends and family e'er raving near your chocolate block or your mouth-watering souffle? If you love to cook, becoming a chef can be a fun career choice. Despite the often long and grueling hours, many people dear beingness in the kitchen.

Photo Courtesy: Pexels/Pixabay

Although many fine-dining restaurants exercise crave a culinary degree, it'due south not a must in many others. Enough of chefs showtime on the line and work their fashion upwards. Starting from the bottom, you can expect to piece of work long days for little pay, only this is one industry where you go out of information technology what you put into it, and information technology'southward possible to move up quickly.

Long-Booty Truck Commuter

Did you lot know that the trucking industry provides one out of every 16 jobs in America? There's a reason so many people cull to pursue this career! The boilerplate new driver earns near $35,000 a year, but bonuses tin significantly increase that number. Got your own truck? Yous tin expect at least $180,000 a yr. Wow!

Photograph Courtesy: Ronald Plett/Pixabay

You don't need a degree to be a truck commuter, and then you can go along all the money you lot would have spent on tuition and educatee loans. Training for trucking is often provided by the company that hires you, although you lot are responsible for obtaining your CDL.

Pilus Stylist

You know what a pilus stylist does: shampoos, cuts and colors your hair at the salon. They may fifty-fifty alter your texture with a straightener or perm or add together length with extensions. Being a stylist also means having a skillful eye and the ability to analyze hair and recommend styles and treatments.

Photo Courtesy: annmariephotography/Pixabay

How practise you lot train to offering the best service to your clients? Every country requires you to be at to the lowest degree xvi years onetime and graduate from a state-approved cosmetology program. In addition to training, you will have to obtain a license from the state where you desire to work.

Machine Mechanic

Car mechanics are always in demand, and a career equally a mechanic ways you lot're practically guaranteed steady work. Even when people don't have the income to buy a new car, the vehicles they already own will e'er require maintenance and repairs.

Photo Courtesy: Ulrike Mai/Pixabay

Choosing a career as a mechanic allows you to proceeds tons of valuable knowledge about cars while avoiding thousands of dollars in student loan debt. Students attend a vocational school for training and and so work as a paid apprentice while they learn the trade. The best role? You'll never have to pay an car repair bill once more!

Garbage Man

Many people would automatically decline the thought of being a garbage homo. They think of all the stinky trash, physical labor and long days outside, and they immediately say no. Waste management workers are essential to keeping our communities make clean and safe — and they are rewarded with some pretty serious cash.

Photo Courtesy: Netkids/Pixabay

How do you become a garbage collector? You lot demand nada more than a commercial driver's license and some seriously strong artillery and legs. If y'all can deal with weird odors and harsh weather, you can make upward to $eighty,000 a year working for a private waste management firm.

Court Reporter

Have you ever wondered about that person with the petty typewriter in the courtroom? Court reporters create word-for-discussion transcriptions at trials, depositions and other legal proceedings. Some even provide captioning for television or real-time translation services for those with hearing impairments.

Photo Courtesy: Universal Television/NBCUniversal Collection/Getty Images

Although it'south possible to get an associate degree in court reporting, it's not necessary. Most employers require a certificate (which can be obtained at a customs college or technical school), plus a few weeks of on-the-job preparation. Many states crave court reporters who work in a legal setting to accept a country license or certification.

Electric Electric line Installer

Electric lineworkers make $70,000 a year, on boilerplate, and handle a variety of duties every day. Some of their responsibilities include testing electrical circuits for proper functioning, controlling ability supply connections and climbing equipment to admission piece of work areas. Atmospheric condition are ofttimes dangerous, sometimes even life-threatening.

Photo Courtesy: Bruno Glatsch/Pixabay

You might think someone in this part would demand a college degree, but applicants demand nothing more than a high school diploma and passing scores on fitness and health tests. New hires are typically provided with at to the lowest degree one year of on-the-task training, plus classroom instruction, and pay is commensurate with experience.

Electrical Contractor

If you want a career that will offer a constant stream of work, consider becoming an electrician. Co-ordinate to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for electricians is expected to grow. Unfortunately, electrical contractors have reported declining numbers of qualified workers — meaning at that place aren't plenty new workers to replace those who retire.

Photo Courtesy: Michal Jarmoluk/Pixabay

To become an electrician, you acquire through a technical schoolhouse or apprenticeship program. Apprenticeships are paid for by the contractor you work for, and then y'all merely pay for textbooks. Even better? You lot can work as an introductory-level electrician while yous take classes, earning money equally you go.

Architectural Drafter

Did you know an architect doesn't exercise everything on their own? They employ architectural drafters who utilize software to convert their original designs into technical drawings. Although drafters spend much of their time working on computers, they may also visit job sites to collaborate with architects.

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Drafters typically complete some education afterwards high school, such equally a program at a community college or technical schoolhouse, also as getting certified in CAD (computer-aided blueprint). Classes include topics similar design fundamentals, sketching and CAD. Although it's possible to earn an associate of engineering in drafting, it's not necessary.

Plumbing Contractor

Plumbing is some other profession that is ever in demand. They handle emergencies similar clogged toilets and leaky dishwashers along with routine tasks like installing new sinks and bathtubs. Although they often piece of work as contained contractors, some work alongside other construction workers every bit part of a team.

Photo Courtesy: Виктория Бородинова/Pixabay

Most plumbers only make about $32,000 a year to start, but the potential increases to more than than $90,000 a twelvemonth with feel. Education includes paid apprenticeships, which combine classroom didactics with on-the-job grooming. Virtually states require a license to work as a plumber in addition to two to five years of experience.


Perhaps you like the idea of working for the U.Due south. Postal Service, but you lot don't want to walk or drive a mail service route every day. Postmasters work inside the post office and are responsible for managing solar day-to-day operations. They hire, train and supervise employees as well every bit handle customer service and administrative tasks.

Photograph Courtesy: F. Muhhamed/Pixabay

All postal workers must have a high school diploma or the equivalent, and many pursue an acquaintance degree, although this is not required. To get a postmaster, you must have one to five years of experience in a field like customer service or administration likewise as on-the-job grooming.

Individual investigator

Does anything sound cooler than becoming a private investigator and bully unsolved cases? Private investigators (PIs) are hired to locate missing people, help solve crimes and find missing or hidden data. They work independently or for law enforcement agencies and private companies.

Photograph Courtesy: Gerd Altmann/Pixabay

To become a PI, y'all must possess effective communication skills, be unafraid of confrontation and pay close attention to detail. In most jurisdictions, there are no formal pedagogy requirements, but you can expect a groundwork check to qualify for a license. It should come up every bit no surprise that yous can't have a criminal record.

Pet Groomer

What's more fun than hanging out with ambrosial doggies all mean solar day long? That'south one of the reasons so many animal lovers cull to become pet groomers. In add-on to steady work, minimal instruction requirements and relatively good pay, they get enough of therapeutic pet fourth dimension.

Photo Courtesy: angel1238812/Pixabay

Pet groomers can learn the basics of the merchandise quickly and usually practice so on the task. They can also participate in professional grooming programs to further their skills or learn well-nigh specific breeds or groups of breeds (e.thousand., toy dogs). Also, groomers need to pursue continuing instruction courses to learn new techniques and skills on a routine basis.

Air Traffic Controller

Air traffic controllers are critical to condom travel. They coordinate the movements of aircraft in the heaven (and on the ground). The job is considered one of the most stressful careers out there, but the pay is proficient: The median annual wage for air traffic controllers is $124,540.

Photograph Courtesy: D Thory/Pixabay

Although job candidates often have a higher degree from the Air Traffic Collegiate Training Initiative program, it's not essential. Yous can employ for the job with three years of progressively responsible work feel, and you have to submit medical and groundwork checks and pass an exam at the Federal Aviation Assistants academy.

Dental Hygienist

Typically, when yous get in for a dental exam, you lot only run across the dentist briefly at the end of your appointment. The person who takes care of you for about of the appointment is the dental hygienist. They clean your teeth, examine your mouth for signs of oral diseases, remove tartar and stains and more than.

Photo Courtesy: Hike Shaw/Unsplash

Dental hygienists typically accept to complete a program at a community college or technical school, although bachelor's and main's programs are available if you choose to go that road. Programs normally accept most three years, and all states require hygienists to be licensed upon completion.

Brick Mason

Brick masons — also referred to as bricklayers — repair and build a variety of brick and stone structures, including walkways, walls and floors. They must exist strong and capable of physically enervating piece of work likewise every bit exist proficient at mathematics, sketching and blueprint reading.

Photograph Courtesy: Jacama/Pixabay

Like most other trades, applicants must possess a high school diploma or equivalent, merely grooming takes place on the job. Although some technical schools offer programs in brick masonry, most candidates take part in a paid apprenticeship. A mason who owns their ain business organisation and contracts straight with clients will probably exist required to accept a license.

Automobile Insurance Appraiser

Insurance appraisers play a vital role when y'all are involved in an motorcar accident. They are the ones who decide whether an insurance visitor must pay a merits and how much the claim is worth. They also ensure that claims are not fraudulent. The task oft takes place in the field, going to dissimilar locations to inspect damaged automobiles.

Photo Courtesy: Valter Cirillo/Pixabay

At that place are no specific education requirements to become an appraiser, but some employers may prefer candidates to take a bachelor'southward degree. Still, it'south possible to obtain an entry-level position with a loftier school diploma and piece of work your mode up. Many employers offer in-house preparation programs.

Ultrasound Technologist

Ultrasound technologists operate special equipment that uses high-frequency sound waves to tape images of internal organs. Although the procedure is often associated with pregnancy, it's used for a multifariousness of other purposes, such every bit intestinal, chest, vascular and cardiac sonography.

Photo Courtesy: Marka/Universal Images Group Collection/Getty Images

If you want to become an ultrasound technologist, you lot can complete ii and half years of education and grooming through a technical school or community college if — and only if — you are already working in some other healthcare occupation. Following that preparation, the terminal requirement is passing a national credentialing exam. All 50 states crave technologists to be licensed.

Executive Assistant

Executive assistants are similar to administrative assistants. Their work revolves around completing office duties to support someone else. The divergence is that an executive banana is specifically assigned to piece of work for a top-level executive. Their chore involves supervising and training other staff, including lower-level authoritative assistants, equally well as bookkeeping, meeting arrangement and customer relations.

Photograph Courtesy: Claudio Scott/Pixabay

There are no specific education requirements for an executive assistant, although the function is usually achieved after several years of experience at lower levels. Completing online certification courses for common software programs, such equally Microsoft Office, could make you a more attractive candidate.

Insurance Broker

If you lot ain or lease a motorcar or home, y'all have probably spoken with an insurance agent. They act as a middleman between you lot and the insurance company to aid you obtain advisable coverage at a reasonable price. Their products typically include health, long-term care insurance and property and casualty.

Photo Courtesy: Tumisu/Pixabay

Insurance brokers perform the same duties, but they aren't employed directly by an insurer. Instead, they obtain quotes from a variety of sources and submit applications on behalf of their buyers. There are no specific education requirements, although a state license is required for each different blazon of insurance they want to sell.

Web Programmer

In today'due south economic system, big-name companies ofttimes await to freelancers for many jobs, rather than hiring in-house staff. One of the most frequently needed roles is a web developer — someone who can design and code web pages. They not merely create new websites but also troubleshoot problems and update and maintain existing sites.

Photo Courtesy: fancycrave1/Pixabay

There are no specific requirements for web developers, and many of the basics are taught in high schoolhouse figurer classes. All the same, many employers look for candidates with more advanced education, so some college courses in graphic design or coding wouldn't hurt. Many options are available online.

Radiation Therapist

Radiation therapists administer life-saving treatments to patients with cancer and other diseases every day. They often work with radiations oncologists, oncology nurses and radiation physicists. Their duties include explaining treatments to patients, completing x-rays and operating the machine that administers radiation. They are often on their feet for hours at a time.

Photo Courtesy: Nick DeCicco/U.Due south. Air Force

The task sounds demanding, but it's as well highly rewarding, and in that location are a lot of opportunities for advancement. Candidates only need to consummate a 12-month certificate program to go hired. With experience, they can work their way upwardly to manage programs in hospitals or other healthcare facilities.

Nuclear Operator

A lot of controversy surrounds nuclear power, but many people believe information technology'due south the energy of the future. Demand for nuclear operators (the people who control the flow of electricity generated) is expected to grow significantly in the coming years.

Photograph Courtesy: Markus Distelrath/Pixabay

With duties that include starting and stopping valves, testing equipment, routine maintenance of machines and collecting and disposing of radiological waste, it's a career that sounds like information technology requires some serious education. In reality, condign a nuclear operator requires but a high school diploma and a license from the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).

Lift Installer and Mechanic

Adjacent time y'all ride an elevator safely from i floor to the next, thank an elevator installer. Elevator installers and mechanics are responsible for installing, maintaining and repairing elevators, escalators and moving walkways. Workers need to have flexible schedules to be on call in case of emergencies.

Photo Courtesy: Robert Allmann/Pixabay

Each type of work — installation, maintenance, repair — requires different training, so workers tend to specialize in one area. To take on any of those roles, you will have to complete a four-year apprenticeship that consists of 144 hours of technical instruction and 2,000 hours of paid on-the-job grooming.


Retrieve of things in your life that are made of metal: bridges, automobiles, bicycles, even the oven in your kitchen. A welder bonded each of those items together then they could withstand weight, heat and pressure without falling apart.

Photograph Courtesy: Skeeze/Pixabay

In addition to being an incredibly cool job (who doesn't want to play with blowtorches all twenty-four hours?), condign a welder is reasonably piece of cake to do. That's non to say it doesn't require skill, but virtually employers provide on-the-chore grooming via a paid apprenticeship and non through a higher degree. You may also obtain certification through the American Welding Society.


Take you lot seen that "If you ate today, thank a farmer" bumper sticker on anyone's car recently? Information technology'due south not a bad thought. Farmers directly impact your life every day through the nutrient you eat, and they often piece of work long, hard, back-breaking hours with trivial time for themselves.

Photo Courtesy: Elias Shariff Falla Mardini/Pixabay

Of course, they also get to spend their days outside and work for themselves. It's a pretty practiced gig if you enjoy manual labor. Then, how do you country it? Old-fashioned hands-on experience — discover an experienced farmer willing to train yous and learn on the job.


Source: https://www.consumersearch.com/technology/no-college-degree-lucrative-jobs?utm_content=params%3Ao%3D740007%26ad%3DdirN%26qo%3DserpIndex

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