Can I Upload My Dna Results to Any Other Site?

Hey there, I'thousand a Deoxyribonucleic acid Geek. I took many genetic tests such every bit 23andMe and AncestryDNA, and even got my raw Whole Genome data (100% of DNA)! Let me share my experiences with those genetic testing services. This mail is virtually DNA sites that I've tried out with my raw DNA information.

Become "More" free analysis

1. Genomelink — FREE

An overview of Food & Nutrition trait reports on Genomelink Dashboard. Other trait categories include nutrition, personality, intelligence, fitness, and physical traits.

Price: Gratis (Or $fourteen/calendar month for 4 new trait reports every month + more premium reports)
Type: DNA App Shop, Dna upload site, Personal DNA Cloud
Categories: Ancient Ancestry, Wellness, Fun Traits, Dna Science

"Get beyond beginnings and genealogy. Know more about yourself through the lens of genomics scientific discipline. Instant access to 25 trait reports upon uploading your raw data, with 200+ trait reports available in total."

Genomelink is a DNA site where you tin can access more than insights, apps, and wellness researches. Yous volition get 25 traits analysis for free, and the dashboard expands Every Week! Genomelink also offers varieties of premium reports such every bit Ancient Ancestry, personalized Diet/Fitness Advice, Large 5 Career Type Matching, among others. The site accepts raw data uploads from AncestryDNA, 23andMe, and MyHeritage.

In item, the popular Ancient Ancestry Study reveals how much DNA data and genetic contour you share with your aboriginal ancestors over five,000 years ago. Information technology comes with seven major group analyses, including Hunter-gatherers / First Farmers / Steppe pastoralists / Indigenous Americans / West African / E Asian / South Asian.

Exercise y'all share DNA with ancient Hunter-gatherers?

The report comes with rich genealogy contents.

ii. Promethease

You tin can utilise the Promethease site to search through scientific publications related to your Deoxyribonucleic acid data. Merely upload your file and pay $12 to get a full report!

Toll: $12
Blazon: Literature Retrieval Service (connects straight to all scientific studies about your variants)
Categories: Health, Illness, Traits

"Promethease is a literature retrieval organisation that builds a personal Dna report based on connecting a file of DNA genotypes to the scientific findings cited in SNPedia."

Promethease is like a librarian for your genes. By directly comparing the genetic variants you lot conduct to their enormous scientific literature database, they can pull all the peer-reviewed journal articles on whatever variant you are interested in. Using their advanced search platform, you tin can even search through your SNPs by disease, condition, or level of enquiry. The platform searches SNPedia, substantially a wiki site of all known unmarried-nucleotide polymorphisms.

Ancestry & Family Finder

3. GEDmatch

Use the GEDmatch Chromosome Browser to run across where different sections of your DNA come up from. Upload your raw data to this site to access a number of free genealogical tools.

Price: Free ($10/month for Tier1 "Pro" tools)
Type: Ancestry
Characteristics: Biggest cantankerous-visitor DNA database for genetic genealogy purposes

"Tools for Genetic Genealogy Enquiry"

GEDmatch is a free site that allows yous to search for living relatives, compare Deoxyribonucleic acid segments with your DNA matches with a chromosome browser, get an ethnicity estimate, and access several professional-grade genealogical analysis tools to analyze your DNA file. While the user interface does accept a steep learning curve, the platform tin can give you a massive amount of information once yous have mastered how to apply information technology — letting y'all become your own genealogist!

iv. MyTrueAncestry

This site allows you to compare your Dna upload information to DNA found at hundreds of archeological dig sites from around the globe!

Price: Kickoff, 10 Ancient Samples are gratuitous! (Upwardly to $596 for all 250+ ancient samples)
Type: Ancient Beginnings
Characteristics: A site that compiles a database of Deoxyribonucleic acid samples constitute in archeological dig sites.

"Due south o, you've got your Dna results? To find who you really are, you need to know where you come up from. We can take your DNA results one stride further through the utilize of advanced archaeogenetics"

MyTrueAncestry is an enjoyable fashion to see how much Deoxyribonucleic acid you share with ancient peoples, such as the Vikings, Neanderthals, and other aboriginal groups. Using DNA found in graves and other ancient sites, MyTrueAncestry is ane of the just services that tin tell y'all how related you are to many of the ancient groups they cover.

5. MyHeritage Dna — Gratuitous

You tin can search the MyHeritage database for family members with a simple DNA data upload, and explore some of the other basic functions of the site.

Toll: Free DNA upload and family matching
Type: Ancestry
Characteristics: Great for people with European heritage

"Our simple Deoxyribonucleic acid test can reveal your unique ethnic background, and match you with newfound relatives. Accept family unit history to the next level with the almost affordable DNA test on the market."

MyHeritage is the third-largest ancestry Deoxyribonucleic acid testing service in terms of users. Plus, they have a historical records database that includes more European records than whatever other company. Yous can upload your Dna for complimentary to search for distant relatives, or you tin can get a subscription to kickoff searching through their records and building out your family tree!

6. FamilyTreeDNA

Though you can get additional Family Beginnings information with an upload of your DNA data to FTDNA, you should also consider taking a maternal or paternal ancestry test from this site!

Cost: Free Deoxyribonucleic acid upload ($99 Paternal Beginnings, $139 Maternal Ancestry)
Type: Ancestry
Characteristics: Specializing in tracing maternal haplotypes and paternal haplotypes, this is one of few companies that tin can specifically trace your Y-Deoxyribonucleic acid and mtDNA.

"Where will your Dna have you? Learn about your personal history and follow the path of your ancestors with FamilyTreeDNA's manufacture-leading tests."

FamilyTreeDNA (FTDNA) volition permit you to search its Deoxyribonucleic acid database for family members for free with a Dna upload. But, the real power of FTDNA is the power to accept an mtDNA test or a Y-Dna test that can requite you results specific to your maternal line or paternal line, respectively. Unlike autosomal DNA, these lines are more stable and allow you to rail your ancestry much further back in time and specific sources (such as Native American or East Asian). If yous like the FTDNA gratuitous matches and interface, you lot should consider buying their Paternal Ancestry or Maternal Ancestry tests.

seven. LivingDNA

Upload your raw DNA data to this site to search the LivingDNA database for additional family matches.

Toll: Gratuitous Dna upload
Type: Ancestry
Characteristics: Another good site to search for complimentary family matches, with specializations in African Ancestry, European Ancestry, British Ancestry, and Irish Ancestry

"Our globe-leading ancestry test provides unrivaled worldwide regional breakdowns, with 5 times the detail of any other Deoxyribonucleic acid exam on the market for African ancestry and eight times more item for the British Isles."

LivingDNA is certainly one of the smaller Dna testing companies. But, where other companies have gone for quantity, LivingDNA goes for quality. They claim to take one of the about specific databases for African Beginnings and British Beginnings. By edifice reference populations that no other company has, LivingDNA has spent a bundle on acquiring genetic data other companies don't have.

viii. African Ancestry

This site specializes in matching your DNA markers to markers plant in present-day African tribes. You lot can upload your DNA data or purchase a kit to get started.

Cost: $210 for Upload, $299 — $709 for Deoxyribonucleic acid kit
Type: Ancestry
Characteristics: Focusing specifically on African Beginnings, this company uses Y-DNA and mtDNA and claims to lucifer you to specific tribes in Africa.

"Knowing where you're from is a critical component of knowing who you are. Find those missing pieces of your identity with this transformative and powerful experience."

African Ancestry is the almost specific breakdown of African heritage on the market (if their claims are as accurate as they say). Using your mtDNA or Y-Dna to look at your haplogroups, this company can predict exactly which present-twenty-four hour period tribes and indigenous groups you lot are most closely related to in Africa. Exam results from this company are near as specific as DNA analysis can get.


*A notation almost Deoxyribonucleic acid Health Testing: All of these companies offer health information "for informational purposes simply." If you are seriously concerned that you may accept a genetic disease, you should consider asking your doctor to gild a genetic examination specific to your symptoms and family history. Medical-course tests typically search for more of the known variants inside a gene that tin cause bug. (But they are also more expensive!)

9. Nebula Genomics

This site will give you a free Dna analysis with a data upload. Just, the true power of Nebula is their ability to sequence your Whole Genome.

Toll: Gratis Dna Upload + Analysis, $299-$999 for Whole Genome Sequencing
Blazon: Whole Genome Sequencing
Characteristics: As 1 of the only providers of a Whole Genome Sequence, this company covers thousands of times more than DNA data than a simple SNP examination.

"W eastward use Whole Genome Sequencing to decode 100% of your DNA and produce 10,000 times more information than other Dna tests like 23andMe and AncestryDNA. Begin a lifetime of discovery with full access to your genomic data, weekly updates based on the latest scientific discoveries, advanced ancestry analysis, and powerful genome exploration tools."

Nebula Genomics is an awesome visitor because information technology is the but company offering cheap Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS). The difference is huge — regular SNP testing just covers almost 0.02% of your entire genome. Nebula will sequence the entire thing, giving you admission to all of the scientific discoveries however to be uncovered!

ten. SelfDecode

You can upload your DNA to SelfCode to become admission to a specialized DNA health dashboard. This site uses your data to create more than personalized care for every individual.

Cost: $97/twelvemonth or $297/Lifetime
Type: Health, Affliction, Wellness
Characteristics: Sort of like a total-health dashboard, this site can integrate lab results, your Deoxyribonucleic acid information, and even symptoms you take to help your physician give you more than specific care

"W hat Wellness Issue Do You Want to Solve? Search for a symptom, condition, gene, or SNP and we'll give yous a listing of all the reports and tools that tin can help yous improve your issues!"

SelfDecode is a newer visitor that is aiming to become the source for individualized wellness solutions! You can either upload your Dna to get started or go a kit from the company. What's really cool about this platform is that yous can integrate it with your doctor, lab results, affliction symptoms, and other health information to get more specific wellness-based recommendations.

11. Xcode Life

If you desire to find a specific blazon of exam, but don't want to pay for tests you lot aren't interested in, upload your Deoxyribonucleic acid data to this site and pick the tests you want.

Price: $20 — $99 per report
Type: Health, Wellness, Fitness
Characteristics: An al-la-carte health service that allows you to pick and choose the health reports that you lot want to see

"Amongst the companies offer Deoxyribonucleic acid health insights, Xcode Life has the largest portfolio of genetic trait reports. Xcode Life's scientific team curates information from authentic research publications and presents this information equally actionable wellness insights in your reports."

Lots of companies offer bundles of information that might not conform your individual needs. With Xcode Life, you tin pay less to get exactly the results y'all want to see. For instance, if yous want to learn about your skin and carrier condition, buy each test individually for just $20 each! However, they also offering massive discounts on their bundles — y'all can go 700+ traits for simply $99.


12. GenoPalate

Want recipes catered to your Dna? But upload your data to this site to detect out how your body responds to certain foods and get a ready of recipes.

Toll: Free sample study, $40 — $179.95
Blazon: Nutrition
Characteristics: Though this is not the but place you can discover nutrition data, information technology is one of the just sites that will give you lot succulent recipes catered to your Deoxyribonucleic acid code.

"Why Eat For Your Genes? Y'all are unique! Your food should exist too! Your genes determine how your torso metabolizes the foods you consume."

By analyzing over 100 genetic variants related to how your trunk processes nutrients, GenoPalate aims to be a one-stop-shop for everything diet. You can upload your raw Deoxyribonucleic acid information or become a DNA testing kit direct from the company. By analyzing how your body processes things like sugar, protein, fat, and minerals, GenoPalate gives yous a personalized nutrition report and specific recipes to optimize your diet.

13. Athletigen

Serious athletes need a site that focuses on how your Deoxyribonucleic acid tin affect your operation. Upload your data to get a free report and see how they tin aid you come across your goals!

Price: Gratis "Cosmopolitan" Report, $69 — $220
Type: Fitness
Characteristics: A site dedicated to Fettle DNA testing, with nutrition, optimum movement and recovery, and sports operation reports

"Yous Are Fabricated for More than. Achieve your goals with Deoxyribonucleic acid products made merely for you."

Athletigen works with coaches and trainers who accept trained Olympians and World Champions to give you reports and recommendations to up your game! This company offers an in-depth study from ALTIS head passenger vehicle Dan Pfaff that offers adept communication to get you to your peak fitness.

xiv. FitnessGenes

If you want to use your DNA to help y'all lose weight, this site is a keen place to outset. Upload your data, pay a fee, and develop a nutrition and exercise plan to help you shed some pounds.

Price: Free to explore the platform, $49 Deoxyribonucleic acid upload, $199 DNA examination
Type: Fitness, Weight loss
Characteristics: Focusing more on weight loss than other fitness companies, FitnessGenes can help you create and runway a diet plan and do routine

"Y ou volition gain admission to your personalized truefeed® which contains your traits, insights, and actions. truefeed® uses our patent-pending truetrait® algorithm to combine your genetic and lifestyle data to help y'all understand why you respond, or are predisposed to, different means of eating, exercising, supplementing, or behaving."

FitnessGenes is a cool mode to build and runway a new health routine. They know that weight loss is almost both diet and do — and they volition help you lot manage both! With a platform you tin admission right through the company'due south app, you should be able to get started on a new routine in no fourth dimension. Plus, it's much easier to follow through with recommendations when they are trackable through your smartphone.

15. Vitagene

Upload your Deoxyribonucleic acid data to this site to get specific recommendations on optimal vitamin supplements, diet, exercise, and peel-care routines.

Price: $89 — $249
Type: Nutrition, Fitness, Peel
Characteristics: A complete look at many wellness and wellness traits that affect your daily life.

"Vitagene's Dna testing kits combine your genes, lifestyle, and goals to create customized nutritional plans. Each DNA test kit results in a personalized written report based on science, non trends. Our Deoxyribonucleic acid testing kits take the guesswork out of achieving your goals."

Vitagene takes the guesswork out of ways to optimize your vitamin regimen, nutrition, exercise, and skin-intendance program. Interestingly, the company too offers an FDA-emergency-authorized COVID-xix examination kit that tin tell y'all if you are infected!

16. DNAFit

This fitness site takes a holistic arroyo — using your Dna information upload to determine everything from your optimal diet and exercise routine to tips near your general wellbeing.

Price: $79–149
Type: Wellness
Categories: Food and Nutrition, Fitness

"Let'southward talk about you — Our groundbreaking DNA test will change the mode you call back about fitness and nutrition forever."

DNAFit is a cool site that looks at diet and fettle to become you lot in tip-tiptop shape. Looking at traits similar your ability to detoxify your torso, how you lot deal with endurance sports, and how you lot recover from practise, this company can offer some great tips for getting in shape!

DNA Sites for Research

17. Sano Genetics

By completing an upload of your DNA to this site, the company will share your anonymous information with researchers and give y'all a slew of free reports as bounty!

Toll: Free for users with specific conditions
Type: Research
Characteristics: This visitor works directly with researchers to find the specific populations they need to study.

"Brand a departure with your Deoxyribonucleic acid. At Sano, we believe in a hereafter where medicine is personalized to you, and we need your help to build it. Play a role in future discoveries in mental wellness, the allowed system, rare disorders, and more, while discovering how your Deoxyribonucleic acid affects you lot."

Sano Genetics is an awesome way to contribute to the scientific enquiry of genetic traits while at the same time getting access to cut-border research. If you have the right weather, you may even be eligible for a free DNA examination to get started. Instead of charging yous, Sano Genetics makes money by giving researchers access to their anonymized user data and helps them research the database!

18. Luna DNA

An upload to this DNA site means you lot accept the chance to become a part-owner of the company! When researchers use your data, you get compensated with more than shares of ownership.

Price: Costless
Type: Research
Characteristics: By submitting your Dna to researchers, you can actually gain a stake in the Luna Deoxyribonucleic acid company, an investment that tin grow over time!

"Transform Your Community. Individuals are not the "subjects" of research. Nosotros meet people as partners in discovery, and we do it the but way information technology should exist done — with people, for people, by people."

As an awesome twist on Deoxyribonucleic acid research, Luna DNA actually rewards you for your contribution to science by making you lot a shareholder of the company. You lot read that right — simply past contributing, you can be part-owner of a visitor that aims to change the hereafter of DNA research. Assumingly, this ownership volition be sold at a subsequently date to make a turn a profit from your Dna contribution.

App Stores for Deoxyribonucleic acid Discovery:


The DNA apps in this marketplace tin can analyze many different aspects of your data. Upload one time and this site will allow you lot to connect many different apps.

Price: Free — $199
Type: App Marketplace
Characteristics: Claiming to be the largest DNA App market, this site will shop your DNA and let you lot to utilize it with many different apps that can offer different insights into your genes.

"Outsmart your Genes — Access more DNA discoveries than has e'er before been possible."

Similar an app store for Deoxyribonucleic acid data, provides free, confidential storage of your genetic data and admission to a big selection of apps that transform your data into useful data. Currently, it partners with companies like LIFE NOME.

20. Cistron Plaza

The apps on this App Market place allow you to connect your DNA upload to many unlike services. This site has dozens of apps prepare to clarify many different aspects of your data.

Cost: $4 — $48
Type: DNA App Market place
Characteristics: Like to the in a higher place, an App Market allows you to select individual reports and apps al-la-carte — with a focus on privacy!

"A marketplace for Genetic Reports. Your DNA, Your Selection. Privacy over Profit. No Data for Auction."

Gene Plaza stores your DNA securely and integrates with an ever-growing list of apps that tin can requite you reports on everything from wellness to ancestry traits. Apps range from as little as $iv for uncomplicated reports to most $l for larger, more complex reports. But, you can pick and choose exactly which apps yous want to try, and your DNA will be deeply stored.

Did you find anything interesting? Please clap if you lot liked this postal service! I'd love to hear your experiences with the products and services to a higher place or annihilation else you've tried. Please leave your comments and share what you've found!


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